Monday, April 11, 2011

Tools of Motivation

There is something about the cold winter months that just suck all traces of inspiration and motivation from me. This is not to say that the last few months were completely unproductive, but there was indeed a lull in the writing department. Thankfully it seems that Spring has finally arrived to pull me from the dreary ice laden abyss that is Michigan's first quarter.

Along with some newly restored energy (we all know timing is everything), came a source of motivation. My wife came across an idea for us to keep our goals in line. It was 101 things in 1001 days. Though I have yet to fill out all 101, I do have a good start with more than 50. Among these were many musical projects, like finishing Singularities and writing a symphony (nontraditional, of course). One item in particular pertains to this blog, in a challenge to write at least 2 blogs a week for 6 months. The reason? To make a habit out of it.

I was quite sure this wouldn't be the only time I'd reference my list here, so I felt an introduction was appropriate. There is a site for the 101 in 1001 idea, but to my dismay it seemed that being a registered member made your list public. There isn't anything on my list currently that is overly personal, but the idea of just anybody being able to find it was a bit disturbing. Not really sure what membership would offer anyway, considering making and keeping a list of items is a rather trivial task.

So, can you think of 101 things you'd like to accomplish over the next 2.75 years?

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